March 8, 2014

Book of the day : "Opowieść niewiernej" by Magdalena Witkiewicz.

   Today I would like to recommend you and say a few words about the book by Magdalena Witkiewicz, a Polish author of a few books not only for women, but also for men and...for kids ["Lilka i spółka"]. But today I would like to present you book "Opowieść niewiernej" / "The story of unfaithful woman" [if I can say like that, because I'm sure that if this book will be translated into other language, it will get other title, as almost always]. 
And I hope that maybe after reading my words, you will want to read this book. 

   Maybe some of you remember my two previous posts about her and meetings with her. If you missed it you can find it here and here

   Magdalena Witkiewicz is a Polish writer and graduate of, f.e. the University of Gdańsk. She wrote and published seven books for adults: Milaczek [2008; second edition 2013], Panny Roztropne [2009; second edition 2013], Opowieść niewiernej [2011], Ballada o ciotce Matyldzie [2013], Szkoła żon [2013], Zamek z piasku [2013], and also for children: Lilka i spółka [2013].
You can find more information about writer on her official page or on her official page on FB.

 About what this book is:

   For sure it's about love. Real love, not only just a feeling to the other person but about living in love, is favouring, plans for the future and dreams.

   This is the story of Ewa [Eve], about her life, love, marriage, feelings, plans about having kids, memories and question: "what would be if...?".
   From the one side, the story is easy, too easy - a young girl who loves a perfect guy, Maciek, a girl who is getting married, who has almost an ideal life. Yes, almost ideal, because here is the second, more worse side - we see her as a girl who is lonely and lost, because of lost child, a girl who is losing hopes for something else, something new in her marriage and finally because her husband doesn't want have any kids because he likes the life he has. And that's why she is losing herself for the other guy, Paweł, her friend from youthful years.

   But is her unfaithfulness give something more than only a short moment of being happy and loved, fear before unraveling the secret by her family and of course her husband, more than a feeling of loneliness in the marriage and in her flat? Will her husband's returns and apology give something more than only a few good days without rows and fights? Will he, Paweł, be so good and what the secret he hides before Eva? And finally what will be with her marriage? 
I won't tell you it, because it's always better to read it than hear from the other person. But I can tell you that in the end she will find her happiness but not with her husband [or better ex-husband] Maciek, and also not with her lover Paweł but with... Michał, her best friend, and with who she will have two cute kids.

Why you should read it:

   Good question. Because this story is about life, real life, about looking for happiness and love, about mistakes, sins, forgiving and finally about true love. Because this book is about the fact that we don't have to be perfect in everything but we should follow our dreams. And that we don't have to change for anybody even if we love this person. And finally this book shows that life isn't always so great as everyone think and that even after hard and bad times, happiness and good moments always come to us. And that we always have to believe in ourself, no matter what.
The best is that this book is also for women and And no matter what age you have - you can read it because the story in this book is without any borders.

Things to look out for:

   Emotions, emotions and one more time emotions. But also relations between people, their problems and... that true friendship is possible.

Where / when you should read this:

   This is not a long book, it has 224 pages, so I'm sure that you are able to read it in one evening or if you reading a bit more slowly, during the weekend. Where? Yes, this is a good question. I think that it would be really good if you had a little peace around yourselves to think about the story, about words inside the book.but you can read it everywhere and anytime, trust me.

Quote from the book:

This is not only a quote, but I think this is the best thing to describe the whole book and abour all problems inside.

With marriage it's like with the new job: how many you will negotiate at the beginning, so much you have. Then it's very hard to change conditions - both, the work and the life.

Ok, I think I already said enough to show you  how good this book is and I made that you will want to read it one day. I hope so.
Now I can promise you that soon I'll write about other book by Magdalena Witkiewicz, so beware.

↑ And before I forget, this is a cover of  this book, "Opowieść niewiernej".

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