And again it was a great meeting with one and only Ms Magdalena Witkiewicz. In my opinion it was one of the best meeting with her and the reason waas the place of this meeting - small but really nice library... Ok, let's start from the beginning.
Also you can find more posts about her on my blog here.
The meeting was supposed to be in the small city - Ciechocinek. To be honest, Ciechocinek just a small, spa town. You can find more info about the city here.
This meeting in Ciechocinek was a bit different than previous becausse of: place, people, atmosphere and free conversation between her and people who came there.
People who came there should be really happy because of the fact that Ms Witkiewicz did a great travel also to the past and also to the future. She talked about her history as a writer; about her all books, stories in these books and the reasons why show wrote them; about her travel to Vietnam where she was this year because of her book, Szkoła żon / School of Wives, which was published there ["TRƯỜNG HỌC CHO CÁC BÀ VỢ"]; and also she told a bit about her future books and plans for next months.
The meeting was full not only of "lecture" of her life and books but also she said a lot of funny things and stories which happened during her travels, writing of books and just during all these years. And of course don't forget about questions from fans.
You know, I was in a few meetings with her and always I'm surprised because of moods and questions from the fans. It's always the best to see and hear what other people think about her and her works.
Simple, these two hours was just so good, and I don't regret that I went there, even if it was [the meeting and the city] 170 kilometres from my city. It was worthwhile. And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the last time when I went to the meeting with Magdalena Witkiewicz. Also I just can't wait for more new books by Ms Witkiewicz.
And remember - if you will be able to go and meet her, do it! You won't regret it, trust me.
The same as with her books.
Ok, it's time for a few pics.
↑ The best inscription ever. Ms Witkiewicz - thank you very much for these words.
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