September 5, 2011

... one word

Last year's anthology ('And everything is coming off at carol singing' , 2010) about X-Mas it's good, I can even say that it's very good - excellent writers and super material. Everyone who read it said that it's best at all previous editions and maybe they are right. But I will be sincere - I hate this book! I saw it through only once, avoiding my texts (I don't like to call them poems) and not keeping an eye on the title of this set, and after all it's line from my text 'December' : and everything is coming off at carol singing. The reason of my hate is only one, what I wrote came true too quickly. I mean here 'Together', where I'm describing the image of people who lost somebody in or they can't celebrate a holiday with some person or they can't be with somebody into X-Mas and there is this empty place by the Christmas Eve table. When I wrote it, I wanted this text to be something exceptional because they as everybody knows, it's heavily to please when we are thoughts with the absent person. When I handed my material over for the publisher of this volume, I didn't think about what would be and whether something like that will meet me like between my words. But, unfortunately, it happened and it was exactly 3 months after putting them in material for Anthology.
Exactly as like in my text: 'by the table, free place, discreetly it's reminding me of your absence, tear with a smile is intertwining memories...' I was tired all that Christmas Eve, 11 days after the bereavement of person very important for me, Mum.
Do I regret my included words in 'Together'? No, because it's a piece of history and in some meaning became a symbol, with something like the mention of her as well as about other people, who already gone and this empty place will always stay by the table and in heart together with memories...


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